Terry Fox Run and Orange Shirt Day – September 29

On September 29, Moffat Creek staff and students will participate in the Terry Fox Run. We will learn about Terry Fox, run or walk in support of the fight against cancer, and collect “Toonies for Terry”. We will also participate in Orange Shirt Day on September 29. Orange Shirt Day honours Indigenous residential school survivors, […]

Friday, September 22, 2017 is a PD Day – no school for students

Friday, September 22, 2017 is a professional development day for Elementary and Secondary school staff. Students will not attend school school, but Extended Day Programs will operate for enrolled students from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. The focus for the day across all our schools will be School Improvement Planning in the morning and the completion of Mandatory […]

WRDSB closes gap to province on standardized tests

Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) results in standardized tests for reading, writing and mathematics moved closer to the provincial average in results released by the Education, Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) today. WRDSB now exceeds the provincial average in Grade 9 (Applied) Mathematics and for first-time eligible students for the OSSLT. WRDSB improved results […]

Pizza Lunch Volunteers Needed

Moffat Creek School Council is looking for parent volunteers to help with weekly pizza lunches!  Volunteers are needed weekly on Wednesday mornings (8:30-9:30am) to count pizza orders, and Wednesday afternoons to distribute pizza (12:45-1:30pm). If you have the time and are willing to help out, please contact the school office at (519) 620-1661, send a […]

School Council Nomination Meeting – September 26

Consider how you might be able to serve in the Moffat Creek school community this year, and in what capacity! Come out for School Council. There are many ways to volunteer with School Council – you don’t need to hold an elected position to participate or volunteer! However, there are several council elected positions for […]

Meet the Teacher – September 13

Moffat Creek Public School is hosting “Meet the Teacher” this Wednesday evening. It begins at 6 pm and we’ll finish at 7:30 pm. Please come and meet your child’s teacher. There is no barbeque. Parking in the rear of the school is available.

Supervision Monitors Required at Moffat Creek

We are seeking parents and / or community members who are interested in a Supervision Monitor positions at Moffat Creek. The job would involve: supervision of students eating lunch supervision of students while outside on the playground If interested in the opportunity, please contact the school to speak with Ms. Meredith

Social Networking and Online Safety for Parents – September 7 at 6:30 pm

Welcome to the 2017-18 School Year

Dear Parents and Caregivers, It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the 2017-18 school year. We have put together a variety of resources designed to help you become familiar with school programs, communicate with your child’s teachers and school, and actively engage in their learning. Participating in your child’s learning is a […]

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Board Audit Committee (2 Positions)

Do you have a passion for public education and community involvement? We are looking for up to two community members to join the Board Audit Committee, which supervises a variety of financial and risk management processes for the school board. Candidates must have a high level of financial and business knowledge relevant to our publicly […]

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