2022-2023 School Year Information

من فضلك اطلب من شخص ما يترجم هذه الرسالة الهامة. Pida a alguien que traduzca este importante mensaje. لطفاً از کسی بخواهید این پیام مهم را ترجمه کند. Fadlan qof ha turjumo fariintan muhiimka ah. እባኮትን አንድ ሰው ይህን ጠቃሚ መልእክት እንዲተረጉም ያድርጉ። Lütfen birisinin bu önemli mesajı tercüme etmesini sağlayın. Veuillez demander à quelqu’un […]

Welcome to the 2022-23 Elementary Remote Learning School

Dear students, parents, and caregivers, Welcome to the Elementary Remote Learning School (ERL) for the 2022-2023 school year. As we prepare to start school, we would like to share some key information. Caregiver Communication In the ERL, we will use two key spaces to share information with parents and caregivers: School Website The Elementary Remote […]