Our school parking lot is for staff at the school, supply teachers, and YMCA Child Care.  There are parking spots for staff and 4 designated Child Care drop off spots for parents who use the YMCA Child Care.  Please refrain from parking in the Child Care designated spots and in the circle turnaround for Child Care. There have been instances where Child Care staff and families have not been able to park in the parking lot due to parents parked waiting to drop off or pick up students.  The YMCA pays for the parking spots as part of their lease and only those vehicles that have an official Child Care pass are permitted to enter and park in these spaces.

We are aware that our kindergarten children require hand off by an adult.  Please consider “Drive to 5” by parking legally and walking within 5 minutes.  

We hope to keep all students safe and allow for staff at both the school and the YMCA Child Care the opportunity to park at their workplace.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Categories: Schools